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Lifelong Reading, Lifelong Learning
time:2023-04-24        hits:

    On the afternoon of April 20th, the opening ceremony of World Reading Day in 2023 and the award ceremony of "Read with the Whole School" of 2022 were held in the Second Lecture Hall. Party Committee members and vice presidents of the school attended the meeting, and more than 150 teachers, students representatives and personnel from Publicity Department, Student Affairs Office, Youth League Committee, Library, School of Management, School of Foreign Languages, School of Architecture and Engineering, School of Design and Art also were present. The opening ceremony was presided over by Yu Zhenghong, deputy director of the library.

    In her opening speech, Qianqian said that teachers and students should be passionate about reading, and learn how to read. She encouraged all teachers and students of the whole school to be part of the reading activity. First, she suggested that they should take reading as a living habit; Second, they should master correct reading principles and methods; Third, they should combine reading with being a man, and shape their morality and virtue in the process of reading.

    Wang Jingwen, director of the library, summarized the series of activities of World Reading Day in 2022 and introduced the series of activities of World Reading Day in 2023 in detail. The meeting also commended the excellent individuals and departments of the 2022 World Reading Day series activities.

    Xu Zhixing, the winner of the "Read with the Whole School" Excellent Book Report Award and a student of the School of Foreign Languages, said, "My writing is immensely inspired by reading. I know myself better by reading other people's stories and thus grow into a better person."

    This series of World Reading Day activities aims to promote reading for all, cultivate reading atmosphere, promote knowledge dissemination, improve readers' scientific and cultural awareness and create a scholarly campus. The activities will last from April to December, including WeChat official account articles posting, short video recording for book recommendation, essay writing on May Fourth Youth Day, treasure hunt in the sea of books, painting and calligraphy competition of "writing with pen and ink, striving for a new era", the second poetry conference, Chinese classic reading contest, etc. Awards such as scholarly class award, top ten "reading stars" award and knowledge and skills competition on daily basis will be set up.

    The opening ceremony came to an end in the signing ceremony of "Cherish Books, Read with me".

(Reviewed by Wang Jiayi, Wang Xingzhou)

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